
Crash Data Request data filters

In order to ensure we can provide you with accurate data and efficient service, please provide all required information listed below.  Failure to supply sufficient information may result in your request not being processed or in your receiving unanticipated results. NMDOT annual crash reports are available online at gps.unm.edu/tru.  Please review these materials first.  If the information you need is not available in the publications, please complete and submit the online request form below.  There may be a charge for the information requested if the request requires that information contained in the database be retrieved or manipulated or a copy of a database is made for private or nonpublic use.  You will be notified of any charges prior to the processing of your request.   Up to 15 business days are normally required to fulfill data requests.  You will be notified if additional time is needed. The use of the data which you have requested is governed by 23 United States Code § 409.  Under this law, the crash data maintained by NMDOT is for purposes of evaluating potential highway safety enhancements on New Mexico roads and to provide statistical data to the public.  The New Mexico Department of Transportation (NMDOT) is allowing you to inspect this data with the understanding that you will not use this data contrary to the restrictions in § 409.  If you should attempt to use this data in an action for damages against the NMDOT or the Sate, NMDOT and the State expressly reserve their right, under § 409, to object to the use of the data and including any opinions drawn from the data.
  • Requestor Information

  • Data Request Details

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  • Data Filters

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  • Data through 12/31/2023 available.
  • Select which level(s) you want your data to reflect. You can refer to the Crash Data Dictionary for descriptions of each level of data. Example: a crash between three cars, one containing one person, the second containing two people, and the third containing five people. This scenario would yield one crash, three vehicles, and eight people. Specify which of these levels you want your data to reflect.

  • "Statewide" selection includes every crash in the state in during the date range selected. To drill down to specific areas or roadways, select "County" or "City", as appropriate.
  • If you want data only on crashes of a certain severity level, select the severity(ies) below. If you want all severity crashes in your data, select "All Crashes."
  • If you want data to include both genders, skip this filter. Selecting 'Male' excludes 'Female', and vice versa.
  • If you do NOT wish to limit your data further, do NOT select any filters below. If you require multiple reports with different criteria, you should submit a separate request for each report.
  • Note: Your data will be limited to crashes that meet ALL of the items checked above. For example, if you checked Alcohol Involvement, Involved a Pedestrian, Involved a Bicycle, and Involved a Tractor Trailer/Semi, your data would only contain crashes that involved alcohol, AND a pedestrian, AND a bicycle, AND a tractor trailer/semi all in the same crash.

  • Describe any further criteria (ie, if you selected 'involved a motorcycle', you may wish to specify 'without helmet'. You will be contacted if the requested filtering criterion is not available.
  • If you have a sample report, please attach.
  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.

*required to submit data request

NMDOT crash data is protected by Federal mandate Title 23 U.S.C. Section 409 which forbids the discovery and admission into evidence of reports, data, or other information compiled or collected for activities required pursuant to Federal highway safety programs, or for the purpose of developing any highway safety construction improvement project, which may be implemented utilizing federal-aid highway funds, in tort litigation arising from occurrences at the locations addressed in such documents or data.